A professional speaker is an individual who has amassed a wealth of expertise or gained profound insights through their experiences, and now dedicates their time to sharing this knowledge with audiences on the speaking circuit. With a deep understanding of their subject matter, they have honed the ability to captivate and inspire others through the art of public speaking.

As a professional speaker, their primary focus is the meticulous crafting of their message and presentation. They invest countless hours in research, structuring their thoughts, and ensuring that every word, every pause, and every visual aid seamlessly aligns to deliver a highly engaging and impactful experience for their audience.

Their commitment to excellence is unwavering, as they strive to leave a lasting impression and impart wisdom that resonates long after the event has concluded.

When a professional speaker makes themselves available on the speaking circuit, it signifies their willingness to accept invitations for speaking engagements from a wide range of organizations and individuals.

Often represented by reputable speakers bureaus, they become accessible to event organizers seeking to elevate their gatherings with thought-provoking and insightful presentations.

Through their mastery of communication and their dedication to sharing their expertise, professional speakers have the power to ignite passion, challenge perspectives, and inspire positive change within their audiences.

Their ability to captivate and motivate is a testament to the transformative power of the spoken word, and their presence on the speaking circuit contributes to the collective growth and enrichment of society.

What does a professional speaker do?

Here are the five main areas that speakers focus on:

1. Researching and preparing speeches

One of the main benefits of working with a professional speaker is that they spend a significant amount of time researching and crafting their speeches. They gather relevant information, develop a clear structure, and create engaging content tailored to their audience’s needs and interests.

2. Delivering presentations

The core task of a professional speaker is to deliver speeches or presentations at various events, such as conferences, seminars, corporate meetings, or special occasions. They use their public speaking skills, body language, and visual aids (if applicable) to effectively communicate their message and engage the audience.

3. Customizing content

Professional speakers often modify and adapt their speeches to suit the specific needs and objectives of their clients or the event organizers. They may customize examples, case studies, or anecdotes to make their content more relevant and impactful for the target audience.

4. Interacting with the audience

During their presentations, professional speakers often involve the audience through questions, exercises, discussions, or interactive activities. This helps to maintain engagement and reinforce key points.

5. Marketing and networking

Professional speakers actively market their services and build relationships with event organizers, speaker bureaus, and potential clients. They may attend networking events, maintain an online presence, or participate in speaking engagements to showcase their expertise and secure future speaking opportunities.

What is the speaker circuit?

When a professional speaker is on the speaking circuit, it typically means they are openly accepting speaking requests and are generally represented by a speakers bureau or agency that books them for paid speaking engagements.

Being “on the circuit” indicates the speaker has a portfolio of past speeches and credentials that make them in-demand to give presentations at conferences, corporate events, universities, and other private functions willing to pay their fees.

It’s important to understand that just because someone speaks publicly at an event, it does not necessarily mean they are on the professional speaking circuit and openly taking requests.

Many speakers at local community events or organization meetings may not be paid professionals actively working with a speakers bureau.

The speaking circuit refers specifically to the ecosystem of professional keynote speakers, thought leaders, celebrities, etc. who are managed by agencies that market them for hire and handle all the logistics of scheduling their paid speaking tours and engagements with event organizers. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, public speakers should not be assumed to be actively taking unsolicited requests on the professional circuit.

Difference between an “expert” and a “speaker”

An expert is typically an individual whose knowledge and experience are deeply rooted within a specific industry or field. They may be invited to share their insights at specialized events or participate in panel discussions relevant to their expertise.

However, unlike professional speakers, experts are not actively engaged in the speaking circuit, which involves accepting speaking engagements from a broader range of organizations and audiences.

For instance, prominent figures such as Elon Musk, Jamie Dimon, or Jeff Bezos are widely recognized as experts in their respective domains. Their presence at certain events or conferences is often sought after due to their remarkable achievements and invaluable perspectives.

However, their primary focus lies within their respective businesses and industries, and they are not actively pursuing speaking engagements from the general public or across various platforms.

This distinction highlights the importance of concentrating your efforts on booking a professional speaker when seeking a dynamic and engaging presentation for your event.

Professional speakers have deliberately chosen to dedicate themselves to the art of public speaking, making themselves available to share their knowledge and inspiration with audiences across diverse settings and industries.

By focusing your energy on securing a professional speaker, you gain access to individuals who have honed their ability to captivate and educate audiences through carefully crafted messages and presentations.

Their commitment to the speaking circuit ensures that they are actively seeking opportunities to share their expertise, insights, and stories with those who value the transformative power of the spoken word.