Are you interested in hiring Robert Meyer to speak at your event, conference, trade show, meeting, or convention?
As a keynote speaker, he knows how to command a stage where he can deliver a powerful presentation that will captivate your audience.
On this page you can contact Robert Meyer’s speaker booking agency to learn more about his speaking fees and availability.
A booking agent will respond to you within two business hours to let you know if they are available and how much they cost.
Request SpeakerSpeaker Bio
Robert Meyer is a highly-sought keynote speaker and expert covering such topics as risk management and business. He is a best-selling author, consultant, media pundit, and thought-leader who has spoken at many conferences around the world where he gives leaders the skills they need to deal with fast, big changes in society, the workplace, and education.
Robert Meyer is hired to speak at events and conferences where he can give expertise on important global business affairs. He is the Frederick H. Ecker/MetLife Insurance Professor and Co-Director of Wharton’s Risk Management and Decision Processes Center. He is a noted scholar whose research focuses on consumer decision analysis, sales response modeling, and decision making under uncertainty. Professor Meyer’s work has appeared in a wide variety of professional journals and books, including the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Marketing Science, Management Science, and Risk Analysis.
He is currently Senior Editor for journals of the American Marketing Association, and was former editor of the Journal of Marketing Research and Marketing Letters. He also served as an associated editor for the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing, and Marketing Science. He has also served on the editorial review board of several major journals.
Professor Meyer’s recent research has focused on a range of topics in decision making and communication in the domains of consumer research and natural hazards preparedness. This work includes the use of natural-language processing tools to study how sensationalist news stories develop and spread on social media platforms, and how warnings messages are perceived by residents faced with natural disaster threats.
For example, Professor Meyer and his colleagues have been able to show that failures of preparation that often precede catastrophes such as Hurricane Katrina, Sandy, and the 2008/09 housing and equities collapse are consistent with a number of hard-wired biases in how people respond to risk. This includes a tendency for people to fail to learn as much as they should from near-misses, and under-invest in instruments whose value can only be realized in the long run. These ideas form the basis of his recent book, co-authored with Howard Kunreuther, the Ostrich Paradox: Why we under-prepare for Disasters.
At Wharton Professor Meyer has served as chair of the Marketing Department and Vice Dean of Wharton’s doctoral programs. His teaching interests include courses in New Product Management, Research Methods, and Marketing Strategy, which he has taught at the MBA, executive MBA, and doctoral levels. He is also an active participant in a number of Wharton’s executive education programs
He is a noted scholar whose research focuses on consumer decision analysis, sales response modeling, and decision making under uncertainty. Professor Meyer’s work has appeared in a wide variety of professional journals and books, including the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Management Science, and Risk Analysis. He is currently an associate editor for the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing Research, and Marketing Science, and serves on the editorial review boards of the Journal of Consumer Psychology and Marketing Letters.
As co-director of Wharton’s Risk center, some of Professor Meyer’s recent research has focused on how individuals decide to invest in mitigation against low-probability, high-consequence, events such as hurricanes, earthquakes, or terrorist attacks.
Using laboratory simulations Professor Meyer and his colleagues have been able to show that the much-publicized failures of preparation that contributed to the losses from such recent events as the Asian Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina are consistent with a number of hard-wired biases in how people respond to risk.
This includes a tendency for people to fail to learn as much as they should from near-misses, and under-invest in instruments whose value can only be realized in the long run. One of the goals of the risk center is to aid the private and public sectors in developing strategies that allow these biases to be overcome.
Professor Meyer recently completed a six-year term as the Vice Dean of Wharton’s doctoral programs as well as chair of Wharton’s marketing department. His teaching interests include courses in New Product Management, Research Methods, and Marketing Strategy, which he has taught at the MBA, executive MBA, and doctoral levels. He is also an active participant in a number of Wharton’s executive education programs.
Request SpeakerSpeaking Fees
Robert Meyer’s speaking fees can vary depending on the type of event you are producing and where it is located.
His speaking fee can also vary depending on whether you need them to deliver a live or virtual presentation.
Please note we do not work with organizations looking for speakers to speak for free, do podcasts or interviews, or do non-paid charity work.
Contact Robert Meyer
To inquire about his speaking fees and costs, contact Keynote Speakers Agency today to book Robert Meyer for a live or virtual event, meeting, special appearance, conference, or trade-show.
Our agent will respond within two business hours.