Are you interested in hiring Gareth Jones to speak at your event, conference, trade show, meeting, or convention?

As a keynote speaker, he knows how to command a stage where he can deliver a powerful presentation that will captivate your audience.

On this page you can contact Gareth Jones’s speaker booking agency to learn more about his speaking fees and availability.

A booking agent will respond to you within two business hours to let you know if they are available and how much they cost.

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Speaker Bio

Professor Gareth Jones is a highly-sought keynote speaker who is considered one of the leading experts on organizational culture, leadership, change, human resources, and personal growth. His engaging speeches on corporate transition and turnaround cover subjects such as encouraging creativity as a competitive advantage, strong leadership, and inspiring an influential organizational culture.

Gareth Jones has a knack for translating complex management theory jargon into relatable and funny real-life situations and essential takeaways that can be implemented immediately.

Gareth began his academic career in Economic and Social Studies at the University of East Anglia before joining the Organizational Behaviour Group at the London Business School.

He was the director of the School’s Accelerated Development Program. The allure of a “real” job in business became too much for him, and he joined Polygram, the world’s largest recorded music corporation at the time. His responsibilities as Senior Vice President of Polygram’s global human resources included more than thirty nations.

He returned to academia in 1996 as the BT Professor of Organizational Development at Henley Business School, where he also worked on the Board of Governors. His most recent position was with the BBC, where he served as Director of Human Resources and Internal Communications. He is currently a Visiting Professor at Madrid’s Instituto de Empresa and Fontainbleu’s INSEAD. He is also a Fellow of London Business School’s Centre for Management Development.

Organizational design, culture, leadership, and transformation are among Gareth’s research interests. He has co-authored numerous books with Rob Goffee, including “The Character of a Corporation: How Your Cultural Can Make or Break Your Business” and “Why Should Anyone Be Led by You?” published by Harvard Business School Press. This leadership title was inspired by a similar piece that won the reputable McKinsey Award for best article in HBR (Harvard Business Review). Another HBR article, “Managing Authenticity,” expanded on the issue of authenticity. HBR also published “Leadership Clever People,” which discussed the unique problems of leading in the information economy. This was the runner-up for the McKinsey Award in 2008.

The book “Clever: Leading Your Smartest, Most Creative People,” written by Gareth and Rob, was published by Harvard Business School in 2009 and deals with the unique challenges of leading individuals and teams with the ability to create disproportionate amounts of value, many of whom are found in the knowledge economy. Other publications include the European Management Journal, Human Relations, and the Harvard Business Review, among others. Gareth is a member of People Management Magazine’s Editorial Advisory Board. Gareth’s academic knowledge and practical expertise contribute to his credibility and brilliance as a keynote speaker.

Gareth is also a partner in a consultancy that focuses on businesses where innovation is a competitive advantage. He is one of the person of the Work Foundation’s Board of Trustees.

Gareth Jones believes in asking tough questions such as:

Why should anyone follow your lead?

What Does It Take to Be a True Leader?

Outstanding leaders, according to Gareth Jones and Rob Goffee, don’t have universal characteristics. Authentic leaders use individual abilities to engage the minds, hearts, and souls of their people. While adapting to new situations, authentic leaders stay true to themselves. The writers suggest that you must “be yourself, in context, with competence” to be an authentic leader and successful, and they teach you how. Goffee and Jones use extensive research to demonstrate how to hone and fix your unique leadership assets while navigating the inherent tension at the heart of successful leadership: when to show emotions and when to hold them, how to get close to followers while maintaining a proper role distance, and how to maintain your individuality while “conforming enough” to gain traction and lead change. The book examines how leaders may remain attentive to the needs and expectations of their followers. “Why Should Anyone Follow You?” will change the way we think about, develop, and practice leadership.

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Speaking Fees

Gareth Jones’s speaking fees can vary depending on the type of event you are producing and where it is located.

His speaking fee can also vary depending on whether you need them to deliver a live or virtual presentation.

Please note we do not work with organizations looking for speakers to speak for free, do podcasts or interviews, or do non-paid charity work.

Contact Gareth Jones

To inquire about his speaking fees and costs, contact Keynote Speakers Agency today to book Gareth Jones for a live or virtual event, meeting, special appearance, conference, or trade-show.

Our agent will respond within two business hours.