Are you interested in hiring Barbara Corcoran to speak at your event, conference, trade show, meeting, or convention?

As a keynote speaker, she knows how to command a stage where she can deliver a powerful presentation that will captivate your audience.

On this page you can contact Barbara Corcoran’s speaker booking agency to learn more about her speaking fees and availability.

A booking agent will respond to you within two business hours to let you know if they are available and how much they cost.

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Speaker Bio

Barbara Corcoran is a highly-sought keynote speaker and expert covering such topics as real estate, sales, leadership, management, motivation, entrepreneurship, and strategy. She is a best-selling author, consultant, media pundit, and thought-leader who has spoken at many conferences around the world where she gives leaders the skills they need to deal with fast, big changes in society, the workplace, and education.

Barbara Corcoran is hired to speak at events and conferences where she can give expertise on important global business affairs. She is an American businesswoman, investor, speaker, consultant, author, television personality and the founder of The Corcoran Group, a real estate brokerage company, and appears as a shark investor on the ABC reality television series Shark Tank.

Corcoran was born in Edgewater, New Jersey, the daughter of an Irish-American father and a Catholic mother of Italian descent. She is the eldest of 10 children and has two brothers and seven sisters. Corcoran quit school at the age of 18 to work as a secretary for the family construction business.

Corcoran has authored several books, including If You Don’t Have Big Breasts, Put Ribbons on Your Pigtails (2002), Nextville: Amazing Places to Live the Rest of Your Life (2007), and Shark Tales: How I Turned $1,000 into a Billion Dollar Business (2014). Corcoran is a board member of police nonprofit Blue Lives Matter NYC.


Corcoran was not born into a wealthy family. In fact, she was one of 10 children raised by a single mother in a working-class neighborhood in Edgewater, New Jersey. After high school, Corcoran took a series of odd jobs before landing a job as a secretary at a real estate firm. It was there that she learned about the industry and realized she could be successful in it.

With just $1,000 to her name, Corcoran started her own real estate brokerage in 1973. She later recalled being so short on cash that she had to borrow $700 from a friend to make her first deal. Against all odds, Corcoran’s business took off. She quickly became one of the most successful real estate agents in New York City.

The secret to her success?

Corcoran said she was always hustling, working hard to find new clients and close deals. She was also very good at marketing herself and her business. Building an Empire In 1980, Corcoran launched The Corcoran Report, a monthly newsletter that provided insights on the New York City real estate market. The newsletter was a hit, and it helped Corcoran attract even more clients.

By the early 1990s, Corcoran had grown her business into a leading residential real estate firm. In 2001, she sold The Corcoran Group to NRT Incorporated for $66 million. After selling her business, Corcoran shifted her focus to television. She has since become a regular guest on various shows, including The View, Oprah, and The Today Show.

In 2009, Corcoran joined the cast of Shark Tank, a reality TV show that features entrepreneurs pitching their businesses to a panel of investors. Corcoran has invested in several businesses on the show. Today, Corcoran is worth an estimated $80 million. She is one of the most successful women in real estate and a true inspiration for entrepreneurs everywhere. personality helped her thrive in the competitive world of real estate.

These days, Corcoran is a highly sought-after motivational speaker and business consultant, as well as a regular fixture on television and in the media. She’s also an active angel investor, with a portfolio that includes some of the hottest startups in the country. In short, Barbara Corcoran is a true success story.

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Speaking Fees

Barbara Corcoran’s speaking fees can vary depending on the type of event you are producing and where it is located.

Her speaking fee can also vary depending on whether you need them to deliver a live or virtual presentation.

Please note we do not work with organizations looking for speakers to speak for free, do podcasts or interviews, or do non-paid charity work.


To inquire about her speaking fees and costs, contact Keynote Speakers Agency today to book Barbara Corcoran for a live or virtual event, meeting, special appearance, conference, or trade-show.

Our agent will respond within two business hours.