Are you interested in hiring Scott Hunter to speak at your event, conference, trade show, meeting, or convention?

As a keynote speaker, he knows how to command a stage where he can deliver a powerful presentation that will captivate your audience.

On this page you can contact Scott Hunter’s speaker booking agency to learn more about his speaking fees and availability.

A booking agent will respond to you within two business hours to let you know if they are available and how much they cost.

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Speaker Bio

Scott Hunter is a highly-sought keynote speaker and expert covering such topics as innovation, leadership, peak performance, conflict, teamwork, team building, sales, resilience, change, business, and critical thinking. He is a best-selling author, consultant, media pundit, and thought-leader who has spoken at many conferences around the world where he gives leaders the skills they need to deal with fast, big changes in society, the workplace, and education.

Scott Hunter is hired to speak at events and conferences where he can give expertise on important global business affairs. He is the head of Enlightened Business Growth, a leadership development and training company that focuses on helping small to mid-sized organizations accelerate sales and profitability by creating teams that work together synergistically. He conducts retreats, strategic planning, workshops, coaching and books/products based on the principles of the book: Unshackled Leadership.

Scott is the creator of the Enlightened Business Growth philosophy that helps people truly understand themselves and free them from self-limiting and often dysfunctional cultural patterns. This approach gets people unstuck and creates extraordinary people who are empowered to create extraordinary organizations and produce breakthrough results.

Scott Hunter has been transforming organizations for over two decades, through keynote speeches, workshops, retreats and management team coaching.

Scott works as a successful business coach and speaker. He speaks to thousands of people each year and shares advice with CEOs of corporations of all sizes. His book, Unshackled Leadership, has received successful reviews and garnered a following among executives, professionals and students. He’s been recognized as an “expert” on over 50 radio talk shows and appeared on a number of television news programs. And he makes time for his favorite avocation: traveling to explore new countries and scenes around the world.

Scott’s most requested topics:

The Mindset of a Leader

Creating an Outrageously Successful Organization

My work as a corporate coach has focused on precisely the behind-the-scenes issues and paradigms that really allow work to work. In all of my programs, participants learn what it takes, year in and year out, no matter what is happening in the economy, to have an outrageously successful organization. Truly successful leaders understand certain principles and use them to outperform the competition.

Your attendees too will gain insights that will have an immediate impact in their companies and in all of their relationships.

Clients say things like, “In the 9 months since we started to work with you, we’ve had more opportunities and successes than in the previous 9 years.” Or, “You changed the way we do business and oh yes, my family life works better too.”

When teams are functioning at a high level, business will improve dramatically. With one client company, BEFORE: sales were flat and there was virtually no profitability for five consecutive years, AFTER: sales doubled in the first three years and profitability increased by more than ten times. With another client company, where BEFORE sales had grown an average of 9% per year for over 20 years, AFTER: sales increased by 32% the first year.

Scott has the rare ability to touch people’s hearts and turn those emotions into practical action; to rattle cages and challenge the status quo, then provide a roadmap for audiences to follow; to discuss broad life values and connect them to work-related values.

His two main programs include:


People work to live. Work is the place where they spend the majority of their time. And for many, it is an environment which is dysfunctional at best, emotionally debilitating at worst. According to the latest Gallup poll, 70% of American workers are either “checked out” or actively disengaged. More than $300 billion, or $7500 per employee, is spent annually in the United States on stress-related compensation claims. And this doesn’t even consider what it costs companies in terms of absenteeism, turnover, and loss of creativity and productivity.

Is this condition inevitable? Not at all. There are specific steps that can be taken to begin to reclaim some of the enthusiasm, some of the air of celebration and some of the fundamental respect for individual human dignity that is apparent within flourishing business organizations or on championship teams. It is the responsibility of the organization’s leader to promote these steps.

An organization’s leader must provide that elusive quality called leadership. Most people think that leaders are born rather than made. That simply is not true. Leaders demonstrate an ability, which can be learned, to powerfully speak and listen in a way that engenders hope, confidence, and enthusiasm in the people within the organization.

In this program, you will learn the fine art of leadership and how to create a working environment that nurtures and supports people to be creative, productive and profitable. In this program, attendees will:

  • Discover why being an effective listener is the key to your success as a leader
  • Learn the key distinctions that will enable you to be effective as a listener
  • Leave with a powerful tool to use to transform the quality of all of your relationships, both at work and at home.

The world is changing rapidly, and our businesses are too. Regardless of your company, function or title, you’re dealing with a global economy, ever increasing competition from around the world and a constantly changing playing field. With all of that going on, are there tried and true, timeless, unchanging qualities that if you master, success must follow. The answer is: yes!

So why don’t most companies fulfill on their potential? Because we have been taught, as leaders, to believe a number of things that are simply not true. Like if you know the right things to do and do them you’ll be successful. Or, if you are really smart and work hard, you’ll be successful. Or, it’s who you know or just plain luck. None of these things are true. They are all myths. We’re looking for downtown Chicago with a street map of Detroit.

In this program, attendees will learn what it takes, year in and year out, no matter what is happening in the world economy, to have an outrageously successful organization. They will discover that success has very little to do with what you do, what you know and how hard you work. Truly successful leaders understand certain principles and use them to outperform the competition. These will all be discussed.

 Learning outcomes:

Attendees will discover that there are many things we have been told, and firmly believe, that determine the success of our companies, that simply are not true

They will further learn that there literally are “laws” in the universe that determine the success of their organizations, what these laws are, how they work, and how to use them to produce the results they want

Leaders in every category will discover the one thing they need to focus on if they want to be effective in leading their companies into the 21st Century

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Speaking Fees

Scott Hunter’s speaking fees can vary depending on the type of event you are producing and where it is located.

His speaking fee can also vary depending on whether you need them to deliver a live or virtual presentation.

Please note we do not work with organizations looking for speakers to speak for free, do podcasts or interviews, or do non-paid charity work.

Contact Scott Hunter

To inquire about his speaking fees and costs, contact Keynote Speakers Agency today to book Scott Hunter for a live or virtual event, meeting, special appearance, conference, or trade-show.

Our agent will respond within two business hours.