Are you interested in hiring Diana Kander to speak at your event, conference, trade show, meeting, or convention?
As a keynote speaker, she knows how to command a stage where she can deliver a powerful presentation that will captivate your audience.
On this page you can contact Diana Kander’s speaker booking agency to learn more about her speaking fees and availability.
A booking agent will respond to you within two business hours to let you know if they are available and how much they cost.
Request SpeakerSpeaker Bio
Diana Kander is a highly-sought keynote speaker and expert covering such topics as technology, innovation, leadership, business, and disruption. She is a best-selling author, consultant, media pundit, and thought-leader who has spoken at many conferences around the world where she gives leaders the skills they need to deal with fast, big changes in society, the workplace, and education.
Diana Kander is hired to speak at events and conferences where she can give expertise on important global business affairs. She has spent her whole career questioning assumptions & bringing up controversial subjects. A person who came to the United States like a refugee when they were eight years old and has started and sold businesses worth millions of dollars. After her first book, All In Startup, came out, Diana got requests from businesses to teach their employees how to think, much like entrepreneurs.
Diana came up with the method she talks about in her second book because she was interested in the organizational culture & business practices she learned about while continuing to work with her clients. The Curiosity Muscle shows how not being interested is bad for businesses and how one can fix it by getting in touch with customers again.
Diana has really figured out that curiosity can lead to exponential growth, and now she teaches businesses how they can always improve their performance by coming up with better ways to ask questions.
Diana Kander’s talk about innovation shows why the way things are done now is wrong. The lawyer with a degree from Georgetown left her job as a lawyer to start her first business. Since then, the person speaking has started some businesses and sold them. The Senior Fellow at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation uses her experience to create courses for public and private schools. Over thirty-two schools, including Georgetown, Columbia, and Cornell, use her book “All In Startups: Launching a New Idea When Everything Is at Stake” as a teaching tool.
She talks about things like understanding customers, the Innovation Health Check, customers, having an entrepreneurial thinking, and the risks of starting a new business. She is in high demand as the main speaker, and Diana Kander’s talk is a perfect example of this.
In her talk on innovation, Diana Kander describes why it’s wrong to teach people how to start new businesses and make new products. She thinks that we don’t teach people how to manage their time well enough, and that’s why so many businesses fail. After coming up with an idea, the standard practice is to write a detailed business plan, get funding, and build the product before customers arrive.
The speaker describes this strategy as the marshmallow task & concludes that the longer you focus on your strategy alone, the more likely it is to fail. Instead of teaching people to spend time making plans, the innovation presentation suggests that they be taught to test and question their assumptions about how customers will act. Kander says that a plan is just a beginning; in the real-life, changes will have to be made.
The innovation presentation says that if we want to stop these macro-trends, we need to stop practicing innovators to be prophets and start to teach them to be investigators who make decisions based on evidence.
Request SpeakerSpeaking Fees
Diana Kander’s speaking fees can vary depending on the type of event you are producing and where it is located.
Her speaking fee can also vary depending on whether you need them to deliver a live or virtual presentation.
Please note we do not work with organizations looking for speakers to speak for free, do podcasts or interviews, or do non-paid charity work.
Contact Diana Kander
To inquire about her speaking fees and costs, contact Keynote Speakers Agency today to book Diana Kander for a live or virtual event, meeting, special appearance, conference, or trade-show.
Our agent will respond within two business hours.