Are you interested in hiring Daniel Coyle to speak at your event, conference, trade show, meeting, or convention?

As a keynote speaker, he knows how to command a stage where he can deliver a powerful presentation that will captivate your audience.

On this page you can contact Daniel Coyle’s speaker booking agency to learn more about his speaking fees and availability.

A booking agent will respond to you within two business hours to let you know if they are available and how much they cost.

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Speaker Bio

A New York Times best-selling author, Daniel Coyle, is the author of Culture Code and awarded Best Business Book of the Year by publications such as Bloomberg News, BookPal, and the Business Insider. Microsoft, Google,  Navy SEALs, and the Cleveland Guardians are just a few of the high-performing groups for which Coyle has acted as a counselor.

His other publications include The Secret Race, The Talent Code, The Little Book of Talent, and Hardball: A Season in Projects, adapted into a film starring Keanu Reeves. He is also the author of the novel The Talent Code.

The Culture Code is not a book about individual greatness or individual creativity. It’s about the environment that enables excellent teams and organizations to succeed. In other words, it’s a book about culture, and Daniel Coyle’s analysis is fascinating. Coyle spent time with the members of sporting clubs, business groups, and religious groups.

He wanted to find out how they could achieve so much with so little. For example, the Zlote Karwale (“the golden wings”) is a small, obscure soccer club headquartered in the city of Lublin, Poland – it has no TV contract, no major sponsors, and no big stadium. Still, in 2014 they won the national championship. How? The Culture Code is a deep dive into the culture that enabled this miracle.

Daniel Coyle, an author of the best-selling book The Talent Code, believes “That greatness isn’t born. It’s grown. The key is the brain’s capacity to make it happen.”  He got this idea from studying the world’s greatest athletes and musicians. He wanted to figure out how some people can achieve superior performance and what qualities they had in common.  He studied these people’s day-to-day habits, and he found that it wasn’t their innate talent that made them great. It was how they practiced. 

He even went as far as to find out what parts of their brain were stimulated during their practice and what type of practices they did.  He found that most people have a very narrow definition of practice. They think of it as simply executing a movement or running through a song.  Coyle says that practice is more than that. The Talent Code is a book that will show people how they can improve their performance by changing the way they practice.

“The Culture Code” is a book by Daniel Coyle which covers the importance of culture in the work environment. It specifically focuses on the chemistry of the work environment and how to make the best of it. It is a book chalked out in the form of practical actions and tips for individuals to take up to improve their workplace culture. It is a simple to read, practical and actionable book. The best part is that it is not theory-based but based on practical action.

It contains 60 highly effective actions to help your group succeed. The book is written in a very simple manner and even an individual who is not well versed in grammar and vocabulary will understand the concepts behind the book. This book has been written in a manner that has a wide range of applicability to everyone. Every individual works in some kind of group, and the information and tips given in this book can be easily incorporated into their daily activities.

The book The Secret Race by former professional cyclist Daniel Coyle is a stunning look at the dirty and dark world of doping in the Tour de France. The book is not a tedious recounting of events and lists of names, but rather a fascinating, hard-to-put-down look at the sport, the people, and the physiology behind the drug use. Coyle covers the sport’s history and the evolution of doping from the caffeine in the 1930s to testosterone and growth hormones in the 1990s.

Coyle was born and raised in Alaska, and now divides his time between Ohio, Cleveland Heights, and Homer, Alaska, during summer with his wife Jenny and their four children. Coyle is married and has four children.

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Speaking Fees

Daniel Coyle’s speaking fees can vary depending on the type of event you are producing and where it is located.

His speaking fee can also vary depending on whether you need them to deliver a live or virtual presentation.

Please note we do not work with organizations looking for speakers to speak for free, do podcasts or interviews, or do non-paid charity work.

Contact Daniel Coyle

To inquire about his speaking fees and costs, contact Keynote Speakers Agency today to book Daniel Coyle for a live or virtual event, meeting, special appearance, conference, or trade-show.

Our agent will respond within two business hours.